“3, 2, 1, Infinity!” is an art piece that brings together three genres of media and arts: (1) a “Japanese” poetry form of haiku that was written for a momentary experience of an earthly and unique presence, (2) a digital photograph that was shot at the moment of the experience, and (3) a piece of computer code poetry that was written for the same experience. It was a revelation of the earth during a sea journey, a Zen moment when the horizon line vanished from sight, and the sea and the sky became indistinguishable and one. The artwork attempts to narrate the poiesis of this triad of the sea, the horizon and the sky, in the form of another triad in which each piece is flawed, or incomplete, or “not themselves”, or, out-of-center. The haiku is written in Turkish, the photograph is “cropped” to frame the spatial experience as it is, and the code is written in a “made-up” computer language. This paper, with the intent to re-center the experience and drawing on academic and artistic literature, attempts to explore the issues of “time and space”, “use of language”, and “nature/technology dichotomy”, from the point of a Zen ontology. All the dichotomies that are present at the momentary experience, or the artwork, or the paper, are intended to be resolved through a form of triad for the sake of one, or zero, or infinity.
Author Information
Umut Burcu Yurtsever, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
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